E-Board Roles
Obtaining money for the organization, and integrating into the community of Boston. Examples: Fundraiser at Uno (approved), Five Guys, California Pizza Kitchen (review) Coordinating VSU presence at student activity fairs Proactively identifying opportunities that can bring value to our members/institute
Club Fundraising Manager
Coordinating various activities to foster and develop relationship within Northeastern Ex: Coordinating Alumni/Co-op Panels, CADIVI reviews with students, email Financial Services about CADIVI status, reach out to any professor/departments concerned with Venezuela’s situation Assist with all campus events when necessary Oversee the development and creation of marketing campaigns with the assistance of the VP of external affairs and Fundraising coordinator Ensure all events and programs are helping VSU Northeastern achieve its mission
Club Internal Affairs Manager
Responsible for holding board members accountable of their responsibilities. This demands being continuously aware of who is working on what, so that he/she can help or provide the resources VSU needs to progress. The Vice President works alongside the President in managing the club and overseeing everyone’s responsibilities. Main representative of the Institute: - Guiding meetings and introducing guest speakers - Meeting with potential sponsors, Deans, Faculty Advisors, Company Representatives
Club Vice-President
Continuously update website and social media with all events, and any pertinent information. Update of events tab page Edit VSU logo for promotional material Posting of pictures to social media Promotion of events via social media You are always encouraged to change and perfect the current website, grow it in any possible way you see fit Leverage website when possible for registration of events/Coordinate with Secretary
Club Social Media Manager
In charge of VSU e-mail account - Respond to emails within 6hrs - Forward all emails to appropriate E-board members to respond promptly In charge of updating and maintaining new members to the respective mailing lists Create and distribute weekly newsletter Record meeting attendance and track active membership status for members (Future state)
Club Secretary
Responsible for holding board members accountable of their responsibilities. This demands being continuously aware of who is working on what, so that he/she can help or provide the resources VSU needs to progress. The President is also in charge of making critical decisions related with the progress of the organization and its events. Main representative of the Institute: - Guiding meetings and introducing guest speakers - Meeting with potential sponsors, Deans, Faculty Advisors, Company Representatives
Club President
Coordinating various activities to foster and develop relationship with corporate representatives and community partners Bringing Speakers, Coordinating events with other universities/organizations Assist with all campus events when necessary Oversee the development and creation of marketing campaigns with the assistance of the community outreach coordinator and officer of external affairs Ensure all events and programs are helping VSU Northeastern achieve its mission
Club External Affairs Manager
Work intimately with SABO to control VSU expenses Fill out and submit reimbursement forms whenever necessary Track VSU transactions using Google Doc Spreadsheet (create one) You should be familiar with accounting principles and be transparent Be proactive on identifying opportunities where we can save money Monthly report to the President on status of account (future state)
Club Treasurer
Team Roles
This is an aplicant status to join a given team
Team Applicant
This member of team is the representative of team and the team's direct connection with the club's e-board
Team Manager
Member of a team
Team Member
This member guides the team
Team Captain
Other Roles
This member is or was candidate for this position at the club e-board.
Candidate For Fundraising Manager
This member writes articles about VSU
This member makes sure every content to be published is on its best version
Content Editor
To be determined
This member is tasked with taking pictures/videos during VSU events